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Septimius Severus's reign

Septimius Severus 's life

The Severus went from first viceroy to emperor.


Septimius Severus Coinage

The coinage of Emperor Septimius Severus in the period 193-211 of the Roman Empire brought significant changes compared to the previous practice. After the years of civil war, the emperor wanted to emphasize the power of the army, which is why military themes played an increasingly important role in coinage. In addition to the portraits of the emperor and his family, depictions of Mars, Victoria, Virtus, Fortuna, as well as the oriental deities Apollo Sanctus and Iuppiter praeses Orbis were often published. Numerous technical innovations can also be observed in the minting practice. The imperial portraits became more and more realistic, and more and more details were added to the reverse. The material and quality of the coins improved, and they were used for a long time after the fall of the empire. Septimius Severus' coinage played an important role in the financial and cultural life of the Roman Empire. The emperor strengthened his own position through money and served to rebuild the empire.

Septimius Severus money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.