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Ladislaus I's reign

Ladislaus I 's life

Ulászló I, Polish Władysław III Warneńczyk, was born on October 31, 1424 in Krakow and died on November 10, 1444 in Varna. He was the king of Poland from 1434 and the king of Hungary from 1440 until his death. His father II. Polish king Ulaszló was the first significant ruler of the Jagiellonian house, while his mother II. Ulászló's fourth wife, Queen Zsófia Holszański. Ulaszló was born as the first-born son, and his father took immediate steps to ensure his succession to the throne. However, from her father's second marriage, she had a daughter, Princess Hedvig, who was III. As the great-grandson of Polish King Kazmér, he claimed the Polish throne and was the heir to the throne. Prince Ulaszló was not a descendant of the Polish royal house, the Piast dynasty. II. During Ulaszló's reign, Poland became one of the leading powers in Eastern Europe. At the same time, the Polish high priesthood and nobility also became stronger. Ulaszló therefore had to win them over to achieve his goal. The concessions had their effect, and II. After Ulaszló's death, his son, III. Ulaszló was crowned king of Poland in Krakow. At that time he was still a minor, so the actual power was exercised by the royal council and the bishop of Krakow, Zbigniew Olesnicki. He was recognized as an adult ruler in 1438. In Hungary, after the death of King Albert on October 27, 1439, new struggles for the throne began. Two significant parties emerged: the Habsburg party and the Ulászló party. Finally, Ulászló was elected king of Hungary and was crowned in Székesfehérvár in 1440. During his reign, III. was also on the Hungarian throne. It was recognized as Ulaszló. 1444. on November 10, King Ulászló lost his life in the battle of Varna. His symbolic tomb is located in the Wawel Cathedral.

Ladislaus I Coinage

Ulászló I (Władysław III) King of Hungary reigned between 1440 and 1444. During his reign, he issued various coinages that reflected the economic and political conditions of the era. The gold forint was the most important and widespread gold coin of Ulászló I. The coin was a typical representative of the gold currency of the time and was extremely valuable. The coins of Ulászló I are markedly distinguished from the gold forints of his predecessors by the depiction of the Polish eagle and the Lithuanian knight appearing as family crest elements. The silver denar was the most common silver coin in the time of Ulászló I. The coin had a relatively lower value compared to the gold forint. In addition to the relative stability of the gold coin, the value of the silver coins showed significant fluctuations. For example, Ulaszló I's coins (until 1467) contained only 1/4 of silver. I. During Ulaszló's time, silver coins, also known as white money, were also in circulation. These coins were of lesser value than denarii.

Ladislaus I money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.