Victorinus's reign

Victorinus 's life

Gallic emperor.

Victorinus Coinage

The coinage of Emperor Victorinus (268-271) was one of the most significant periods of coinage in the Roman Empire. He was the first emperor to significantly increase the coinage to finance the defense of the empire against barbarian attacks. Victorinus' coinage consisted mainly of gold, silver and copper coins. The gold coins, the solidi, were the most valuable money of the empire. The solidus of Victorinus were smaller and lighter compared to the previous solidus, but of the same quality. The silver coins, the denarius, were the second most valuable money of the empire. Victorinus' denariuses were also smaller and lighter compared to earlier denariuses, but they were of the same quality. The copper coins, the follis, were the most valuable coins of the empire. Viktorinus' follis were also smaller and lighter compared to previous follis, but they were of the same quality. Viktorinus' coins played an important role in maintaining the financial stability of the empire. The increased coinage allowed the empire to provide a sufficient amount of money for the army and administration.

Victorinus money

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