Charlotte's reign

Charlotte 's life

Grand Duchess Sarolta, full name Charlotte Aldegonde Élise Marie Wilhelmine, was Grand Duchess of Luxembourg between 1919 and 1964. He was born on January 23, 1896 in Luxembourg as IV. He is the second child of Vilmos Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Maria Anna of Portugal. After his father's death, his sister Mária Adelaida took the throne of Luxembourg. After the First World War, in 1919, Máeia Adelaida was accused of collaborating with the Germans, so she had to abdicate and Sarolta became the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He stood up as a strong and open personality and initiated a referendum in which 77.8% of the people of Luxembourg supported the monarchy. From then on, the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg officially ruled by the "will of the people". 1919. on November 6, Sarolta married Prince Félix of Bourbon-Parma, brother of Queen Zita of Hungary. Their marriage produced six children, including Crown Prince János and Princess Elizabeth. During the Second World War, the Germans occupied Luxembourg and the Grand Ducal family had to flee. Sarolta directed the resistance from London and organized relief operations for the people. Later, she also worked as a nurse behind the Ardennes front, while her son and husband fought in the army against the Nazis. 1964. on November 12, Grand Duchess Sarolta abdicated in favor of her son. He then lived another twenty-one years and died at the age of eighty-nine. A huge bronze statue was erected in his memory in Luxembourg.

Charlotte Coinage

Grand Duchess Sarolta of Luxembourg produced coins between 1919 and 1922. These coins were part of the Luxembourg monetary system and bore the portrait of the Grand Duchess. Coins were available in different denominations and reflected the economic and political situation of the time. 1 Franc (1 French franc): This was the largest denomination and represented the most value. 50 centimes (50 centimes): A smaller denomination used for everyday transactions used. 25 centim (25 centimes): Another smaller denomination that was also often used. 10 centim (10 centimes): The smallest denomination that still had value. These coins played an important role in the Luxembourg economy and everyday life.

Charlotte money

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